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Author Topic: DAILY CHATTING ABOUT THINGS  (Read 114745 times)
« Reply #60 on: August 12, 2004, 02:04:05 am »


This may appear like a venting page for me. so please bear with me okay.

On Monday, it was my second time at the gym, and I did alot of arm weights exercises.
Yesterday, my arms were muscle bound. They ached all last night, despite me putting deep cold and taking naproxin to help the pain. It was a good pain. At least I know I have muscles in my arms, because they sure objected to being overstimulated.
Yesterday afternoon, I got a letter in the mail, from Housing my landlord said I didnt pay my rent. I had proof , so I thought I had proof that I had paid it. The bank  sent it back two days after, there was funds in the bank to cover the rent.
I walked 15 minutes down there, argue politely with the teller, and they reverse my NSF charge.  So I left the bank with the rent money, walked another 15 minutes to housing office, and paid my rent, I was just crossing the bridge to walk to the grove to go to the program I am involved in.
The skies were opening up, lightening was hitting the water, even a duck , duck into the water.  So I ducked into the library, just as the torrential rains came. We were having a tornado warning. I phone the place were I was going to go.
Well that was cancelled because they lost power. I was glad for the offer of the drive home.  Missy my dog was so scared , when she is left alone , when a thunderstorm hits, she becomes Messy Missy.

Today made up for it.

I walked up to the Mall, had breakfast with the folks, a weekly ritual.
Got back home, needed to do with what  I had to do, waiting for my ride.
We went up to Burnstown Beach. It is about 20 minutes up the highway from Arnprior.
Actually it is off the highway, when you get to Glasgow Station, turn left  go about another 10 minutes.
The beach was wonderful. It is on the Madawaska River.
The beach area, is not a large beach, it off the main road way, surrounded by trees. The river is lined on both sides with tall trees. It is a moving river.
There were 3 other ladies, it was part of the field trip with CMHC program I am participating in this summer.
It was not busy, it was not too cold, not too warm, not too many  bugs.   I went swimming twice for about 30 minutes each time. Then while I was drying off the first time we played SKIP BO.(which is a card game), it is only the second time I played. We nibbled on veggies and dip. Then had salads and cold cuts for lunch. It was after lunch I went swimming the second time, after I sat for a while with my lawn chair in the water.  The beach was sandy. The water was clear. The bottom was sandy, were I was swimming it was clear of rocks, weeds, and clam shells.
It was my group and one other group with two moms and three little girls playing. The oldest kept trying to show off her swimming skills, every time I swam in her direction. I asked her if she was ten, she was very proud after I said that. She was only  7. Isnt it amazing ladies, when we are little we wished we  were older, and now we are getting older, we wish we were younger.
After I changes from my swim suit, we drove into the  village of Burnstown. We had a coffee at a quaint coffee shop.
After that we walked through an antique store, and a gift shop, Burnstown is known for all their arts and crafts type galleries. There must be at least six of these stores all in a row, along the main street of Burnstown, which is part of a highway.
« Reply #61 on: August 12, 2004, 02:12:32 am »


I got a crazy warning when I was writing my story, so I thought I better , make a second part.

Getting back to Burnstown. It is a beautiful area. Nestled between Arnprior and Renfrew.
If I drove and had a car, I think I would live there.
One the ride up, I was looking at all the newer homes, they are beautiful, nestled into the country side.

When we went to that quaint coffee shop to have our coffee, we looked at the menu.
On it was Blackened Catfish Sandwich.

Catfish is a common fish in these rivers, whether it is the madawaska, bonnechere, or the Ottawa.

I wouldnt eat one. But the menu was a large sandwich , soup and a huge portion of salad, the most expensive was $12.00.

All in all it was a good day today.

Well you all have a good day.

Gidday from the Ottawa Valley.
Talk to you Later.

al Hartman

« Reply #62 on: August 13, 2004, 08:10:49 am »

     Central Ohio has a motto:  If you don't like the weather, stick around ten minutes & it'll change!  "Seasonable" weather here for August is hot & humid.  The unpredictable part of August weather is usually whether it will be cloudy or sunny, whether or not it will rain &, if so, how much or how little.  Wind storms are always possible, although the official tornado season was a couple of months earlier.  Hail can also enter the picture & be quite damaging.  Lightning strikes often knock out power & sometimes take lives.  Lots of car accidents & fires whenever we have a thunderstorm.

     A couple of weeks ago, we were having such an unseasonable amount of rain that there were floodwatches all over the state.  I had to recheck Genesis 9 to make sure that the Lord had promised to never again destroy the world by flood-- it was so cloudy we never even saw a rainbow.  The monsoons were followed by a stretch of cool weather the like of which has been unknown hereabouts for August during my lifetime:  daytime highs in the low 70s & nightime lows in the low 50s.  Great sleeping weather.  Everyone's windows open, in spite of the ragweed pollen-- nobody wants to run an airconditioner when it's so cool.  Cloudless nights allowing the humidity to evaporate.

     This has been the first August in my life that I could mow the lawn between sunrise & sunset without risking heatstroke.  The trees have supported a steady, if weak, stream of cicadas since June.  This week our yard has hosted a katydid & a preying mantis.  Mosquitoes have been delightfully few compared to recent years & I have yet to see my first tick this year.  Sadly, the toad population seems to be diminishing & hasn't visited our property in several years.  They used to be regular summer drop-ins.

     Besides the comfort factor, the best thing about cool summer weather is that the dogs shed less profusely.  Our definition of "home" is that place where the dog hair sticks to everything else as much as it sticks to the dogs.  We don't even consider buying clothes that clash with the color of the dogs' hair.  I'm sometimes surprised that the PETA people haven't doused us with red paint when we're in public-- all our clothes look like furs; even the t-shirts.

     The other evening I saw the first bats of the season.  We don't see many of them any more because the burgeoning urban population has eradicated the insects upon which they feed.  That has also cut the songbird population way back.  When I was a kid, there were meadowlark, warblers, mockingbird, thrushes, vireos, & numerous other avian species about because the area was more rural & the extermination industry less advanced.  Birds flocked by the thousands then.  Today, 200 seems like a large flock.

     If I dwelt on these remeniscences, I could be melancholy over what appears to have been lost, but I prefer to count it all as the ticking away of the moments until the Lord's return, when all will be made right as it should be.  What a day of rejoicing that will be!

Keep looking up-- our redemption draws near,

« Reply #63 on: August 20, 2004, 08:18:23 pm »

 :DGood Morning on this beautiful August 20th, at 11:17 am Arnprior, Ontario. Canada time. Where the air is clean and fresh, with a crisp breeze bite.

I wanted to tell you about my Wednesday's trip to the Enchanted Gardens near Beachburg, Ontario. about 90 minutes from Ottawa.

I was picked up about 10:45 am, with a quick stop in Renfrew to pick up some more people from CMHC Center there to go on our field trip.

It took about another 30 minutes to arrive.
We ate a picnic lunch first.

Then the tour started.

I was with the group that was touring the gardens at first.
The gardens have different themes to them. There is a theme of Wizard of Oz, including a few yellow brick pathway, with Dorthy and the Tin Man and TOTO , blending in the garden plot with beautiful flowers.
There was a Japanese garden complete with stone steps water fountain, and a strange thing. And outhouse, with just a screen door, and a porclain toliet . Absolutely no privacy.
There was a woodland garden display, with dwarfs, a water wheel, and a millhouse.
There was another display with dwarf, and a mining track and their mining trains were filled with flowers.
There were also a sea chest, spinning wheel, bird houses, bird baths, bamboo lawn chairs, all blending in or filled with flowers in various displays.
I took about two rolls of film. I was sitting down, refilling my camera, and the group just kept a walking. SO when I was walking to catch up, I was told they went on a certain path. This was the path to a 4 mile hike that the other group went to , that goes to a look out point. SO I just kept a walking and met the other group, I went ahead alone and took a couple of pictures at the look out point.  I rest a couple of minutes, drinking water and a energy bar. I walked back.
There were a couple of short steep hills, when I had to stop and catch my breath, but I made it back to a rustic looking inn, that serves as a tea room. The entire trip took about an hour. One the way there, A snake was hard pressed to get out of my road. All I saw was the tail.
Also while walking through the woods , the path was under a canopy of tall white pines and various other trees. I heard a bird talking to me, every time I said hello, he answered me with a bird talk of his, I didnt know which type of bird.
I heard bull frogs croaking, and splashing in some water.
Certain trees were blowing down small nuts, or something up in those trees were throwing them down at me.
The scenery picture at the top was beautiful.
There is also a pathway to a paddle boat adventure, and to a small waterfalls, but I didnt get off the lookout-tearoom pathway.  Technically no body knew where I was until I caught up with the other group.
When I got back to the tea room, I bought a diet coke, the first soft drink I bought all summer. After that hike I just wanted some cold, wet and sweet.
Well there was my adventure for Wednesday.

Ever in Eastern Ontario, in the summer. Check out Beachburg, and the Enchanted Gardens, it is a pleasant relaxing afternoon.

Have a Nice Friday afternoon All.


« Reply #64 on: August 27, 2004, 10:28:32 am »

 8)AUGUST 27TH AT 1:28 am Arnprior Time.

The last few days, we have hot hazy days, and of course rain.

What have I been doing this past week? Well lets see.

On Tuesday went to my CMHC program for the evening meal and lawn games.  We played BOCI Ball, like a lawn bowling type of game.  Then came in side and played SKIP BO, a card game.

Came home and walked the dog around the  big block. It takes about 30 minutes to go completely around.

On Wednesday, went up to the Mall, met my parents for breakfast, came home.
Then walked back down to my CMHC program (about a 30 minute walk), played SKIP BO, had a delicious pork chops, bake potatoes, and yellow beans out of the garden.
After the clean up.
We h ad a nurse from the Royal Ottawa Hospital.
The topic was on Personality Disorders.

It was a good presentation. With a power point presentation.
I have some handouts, with points on different personality disorders. I will type the points out and present them in a future post on the depression thread.

Went over to the gym, where I cycled for 20 minutes with a heart rate of 161, and cycling 2.8 miles.
Then I did weight training for another 30 minutes.
Walked home (another 30 minutes).
WHile walking home, I passed the after math of a bad fire .
It was on the corner of Daniel Street and Madawaska Street.
Near the bridge that cross the Madawaska River.
A complete house, that was converted into apartments were destroyed, plus damage to a business which housed a insurance business and a dentist office. There were no injuries or deaths.
At home had supper, just a sandwich and watch  Canadian Idol. I was so tired from not sleep more than 2 hours the night before, I was in bed by 10 pm, but do you think I could sleep. NOPE.

Today, I was up to go for swimming at 9 am. Went to Tim's with the swimming group had a English Toffee Cappinchino, and a English Toffee Cookie. So much for the work out.
Came home and slept most of the day away.
Then was out at my Mood Disorder Peer Support Group this evening.
When I came home, I notice someone was in my house.
Dont worry. It was Sara, came in to use the computer, I found a note by the computer. Strange we are not talking, but she comes in the house when I am not there, and borrows somethings.

Thats about it.

Oh by the way, Percy the cat just jump up. and said MEW.


« Reply #65 on: September 05, 2004, 07:04:55 am »

 :DSaturday September 4th, at 10:05 pm Arnprior

This week has had its up and down moments.

On Tuesday, I went to the Ottawa Lynx Baseball Game with the Stanton Red Barons.
It was a beautiful evening.
The Lynx won 7 to 0.

Next morning I my throat was so sore.
I also had the sniffles.

Wednesday, the usual breakfast with the folks.

I was so exhausted all week, yet my sleeping has been difficult obtaining this week. Lie down, the brain thinks it time to plan the next year or so.
On wednesday, after I got home from the mall, I was going to go to my program. I thought I lie down for half an hour, before heading out to walk the 30 minutes it takes to get there.
I didnt get up for 5 hours later.

I had a Sunday School planning meeting on Wednesday Night.
Thursday Night was the Mood Disorder Peer Support Group.

Friday, I went to the Mall to purchase supplies for my Sunday School Class. Plus I went over to the church office to do the photocopying of lesson for the next thirteen weeks.
Came home and organized them afterwards, prepared the first two weeks lessons.
Our churches Sunday School will resume after a summer break, September 12th.
Our church's Sunday Morning schedule is as follows:
9:30 prayer time for the sunday services.
9:45 Sunday School
10:45: Coffee Break and Fellowship
11: am Worship Sunday Services.
We also have a 6:30 pm Sunday Service.
And a prayer Meeting on Wednesday Nights at 7 pm.

Now that Fall is here, the activities that took a hiatus during summer, is resuming.
The men had there monthly breakfast fellowship at a local eat  establishment. This is one of the outreach programs.
The Ladies Groups has a planned meeting night on the 21st.
Alpha is thinking about starting up again near the end of September.
There is a planning of the possibility of 40 Days of Purposes,
Small Group Bible Studies.

Our Sunday School Meeting, was not only a preparation of the 12th when Sunday School resumes. We also are thinking of the Christmas paganent on December 19th, which is usually a meal get together before the evening paganent gets under way.

Today was a slow day. I wrote a few letters and printed them out. Since I have a old style feeder printer. Printing them out takes longer than writting them. But I am thankful for the printer and my computer.

The songs that I will be interpreting for tomorrow worship songs in sign language are
Victory in Jesus
Our God Reigns
People of God
Anywhere with Jesus



« Reply #66 on: September 16, 2004, 03:26:09 am »


I just checked it has been over a week since I last brought you up to date what is happening in the life of Lenore.

Busy, busy, Busy. Cant you hear all the buzzings

On the 7 I went bowling , it is part of my program with the Mental Health Clinic. It was the first time with this group at the bowling . I bowled more gutter balls than hit the pins, but I did manage a 87 average of 2 games of 10 frames each.

After bowling the group went to a local eating place called BRAX, for  a coffee or lunch.

That evening it was walking back down to the program for their evening meal and a movie night.
If I am early enough I usually end up doing the cooking of what is being served.  It was restrauant night, which means that what ever was put away from the community kitchen.
We had meat loaf, chicken caccatori, and cabbage roll casserole.
The counsellor was wondering about dessert, so I said if you had brown sugar, I could make brown sugar fudge.
Well we made brown sugar fudge, with a little bit of chocolate chips and peanut butter in it.
As soon as you say fudge in that place, the vultures come out, especially the ones who are diabetic. Roll Eyes
On wednesday it is up to mall to have breakfast with my parents.
Then back down to program for their wednesday lunch and afternoon activity. Lunch that day was corn on the cob and lunch meat. Will a peach truffle on angel food cake.
The activity was going mini putt. Which we accomplished 2 (9 hole runs). Each person for themselves. Then to Tim Horton's for a coffee, and Tim Bits. Wink
That night I also had a meeting at the church at 8 pm for a planning meeting of starting up an Alpha outreach.
Sara my youngest daughter came over and dyed my hair. Between the both of us, we can share one bottle of dye.
It is a dark reddish look. Covers the grey. Pastor B . told me it took 20 years off my face. Cool
Thursday, the tail end of Hurricane Francis dump about 125 centimeters of rain, if it was snow it would of been 5 feet. So glad I didnt have to shovel the stuff.
Thursday Night was my Mood Disorder Peer Support Group. I came home a bit frustrated. There is always one who wants to hog all the talking. Shocked Lips sealed.
Also on Thursday afternoon I went over to the church to get my Sunday School in shape for Sunday.
Friday was conked out day.
Saturday I practiced my sign language songs . and went over to the church to prepared the refreshments like the coffee.
Do you realize, that I already know my job in heaven.
Because what we do on earth in service , we will do in heaven Right!!. I WILL BE MAKING THE COFFEE FOR THE BANQUET!!!! Roll Eyes Grin
On Sunday, it was our Sunday School kick off for the fall.
Sunday started about 2 hours earlier.
By the time I get to the church, set every thing up that needs to be set up, prayer time, Sunday School, Coffee Break, Sunday Services.
There was a pot luck lunch after the morning services.
By the time I got home, I obeyed the Lord. Took the rest of the day to REST Wink.
Monday: Because the pool is closed for the month of September for maintenance. The swimmer are doing a walking club. We I walked to the meeting place 30 minutes. Walked for 60 minutes, went to the gym for another 90 minutes. Walked home another 30 minutes.
I went to KFC , while walking home, I near Pastor B home, and decided I would see what they were doing for supper. If they were busy I would just head home. I knock, walked in, said what are you doing for supper anything special. Mrs. B
said NO. I PUT THE KFC INTO HER HAND, SAID HERE'S SUPPER AND YOU HAVE A GUEST. Cool I stayed there until 8 pm. It was nice not to go home alone.
I calculated the calories I burned off was 1900 calories. that afternoon.
Tuesday: Yesterday :)I walked down town 15 minutes.
had an appointment with Dr. R. PSYCHRIATRIST, after that walked 30 minutes up to the NEW HOPE CENTER FOR SOME CHRISTIAN COUNSELLING, then was picked up to go bowling.
Bowled 30 minutes , 2 games of 10 frames each.
The first game I bowled 133, the second game I bowled 120.
Then it was to brax for lunch. I had two pieces of combo pizza.
Home. I fell asleep for 2 hours. This days activity was done on 2 hours sleep the night before.
My counsellor at the Community Mental Health CLinic Program called, Camed and picked me up and had supper there. We had hot dog roll up and curly fries.
We played Yatzee, I WON Cool WITH A SCORE OF 228.
Went up to the mall 10 minute walk, to met my parents for breakfast.
Walked to the program 30 minutes.
Lunch was hamburger macroni and cheese casserole.
After the lunch clean up.
I played ping pong with one other person for over an hour.
Then it was the gym, which I cycled for 20 minutes with my heart rate between 149 to 183, cycled for 3.9 miles .
Then it was 40 minutes of weights.
I calculated the calories for today 1060 calories burned. Cool
You should see the bottom of my feet Tongue
I have a LARGE BLOOD BLISTER!!!!!!!!! Sad


Well this is the life that I led this past week.
I hope I didnt tire you out too much. I AM EXHAUSTED. Shocked



« Reply #67 on: September 27, 2004, 07:35:46 am »




I am going on a back ward journey of the week and life of Lenore Whelan in a small town of Arnprior, population over 7500. Cool

Today was up at 7 am to do my Sunday School lessons and to prepare for my Signing.
Over to the church by 9 am, to put on the coffee for after Sunday School break and fellowship.
The little stand that carries my songs for signing is ready to go.
Church service at 11 am.

We also have a evening service. This evening was a special music night. We had a musical group called RESTORATION.
They carried the whole service with their music and messages.
There was after service fellowship, with special things for the stomach as well.

ON SATURDAY September 25. I went on a all day tour of the RENFREW COUNTY RURAL RAMBLE. Grin
You visit different site around the county. Cheesy
I went with my Mental Health Program. It cost about 10$ for a button, but our cost was only 5$. Wink
We teamed up with a group from Renfrew. So a total of 6 hopped into a van, driving from 9 am to 4 pm. We stopped off a six different place.
From Renfrew we followed county road #5
1. The first place was a living museum at an old school house built in Admaston called the SS#2 HERITAGE SCHOOL.
Since our group was the first one there, the teacher dressed in period costume, made the boys and girls stand in separate lines. Then stand to say the Lord's Prayer and singing of God Save the  Queen. She then put us through a mental arthrimetic quizz.  Huh
Then told us about what school was like in 1900's.

2.  Was the Donden Cattle Farm.It is a modern barn with automatic grain and hay feeders.

3. It was up near Douglas to SHAGGY SHADOWS BISON FARM. We were went on a haywagon ride through the farm .
We were only about a couple of feet away from the bison.
One big bull, had such a huge head. Tongue

This place raises rainbow trout. Feeding the fish food, cause them to bubble up the water. There were ducks in all the ponds, and goats to feed. Grin
We ate our lunch here. Roll Eyes

5. Up the Road a little bit OPEONGO MOUNTAIN MEADOW SOAPS . Here were saw a demonstration of making soap.
They also raise goats, for using the goat milk to make their soap.  I was able to bring home a sample. Cheesy

6. On the Road to EGANVILLE to go to the Eganville Museum

Then we headed back to Renfrew , had a ice cream, dropped off the participants there, and  the worker who was driving and I headed back to Arnprior.
All in all we have been in the car from 8 am to 5 pm. I got about one roll of film.

The rural ramble had about 25 places to explore in the Renfrew County.
It was a perfect day for it, warm and sunny.
The colours of the leaves that are turning , up the mountains of the Canadian Shield is beautiful.

What I did the rest of the week, was Friday was the community Kitchen.
I also went on a job interview on Friday morning.
Thursday was walking club, and the Mood Disorder Group Meeting.
Wednesday, I went to Ottawa to try to see my Daughter. She wasnt home. I did get to see her for an hour and the grandsons for 15 minutes. This was first time in a year.
I went out with my driver to supper and the movie.
Any one seen Wimpleton yet. It is a good movie.
Tuesday was bowling and afternoon program, which I picked Tomotoes, made homemade tomato soup, and a cherry crumb cake, and then I went to a Ladies Bible Study group at the church.
Monday September 20 was a banquet at program for the people who participate in the Aquafitness(swimming program)
to the gym
then to Alpha first meeting. Tongue Tongue Tongue

THis week has already been booked . Lips sealed


« Reply #68 on: October 02, 2004, 05:02:05 am »

I was still in shorts and sleeveless shirt, walking downtown to do the usual monthly banking and bill paying .
I walk to bank, then across the bridge to pay my rent.
It is about 30 minute walk.

I have tenditis in my heel , so all the way I was going ouch, ouch, ouch. Roll Eyes.

Went to the drug store to pick up my prescription, popped into the library to see what books they have for sale.
Went into a couple of dollar stores and a new women's consignment store called the Cat's Meow.

Meet my daughter Sara for supper at a local eatery called Jim's Restaurant. Which is a very good family restaurant.
You can get a excellent meal for the value of the money. Quite often you can share a meal.

This week has been a bit more slower due to my injured limp.
Tuesday went to Bowling.
Wednesday up to the mall to meet my parents for usual weekly breakfast.
Then down to program, in which I got a drive that day.

The lunch was delicious. It considered of a main course called.


1 lb. of ground meat
1/2 tsp of oregano
1/4 cup of chopped onion
1/4 cup of chopped green pepper
1/2 cup of bread crumbs
8 oz can of tomato sauce
Salt and pepper to taste

Mix ingredients thoroughly.
Add to an unbake pie shell
In a large glass pie plate
Top with cheese mixture

8 oz shredded cheese(sharp)
1/4 milk
1/2 tsp of dry mustard
1/2 tsp of salt
1/2 of worcestershire sauce
1 egg
Thoroughly mix together
Spread on top of the pie

Bake for 30 minutes in a 400 degree F oven.

Serve hot.

On top of each slice served add a dap of sour cream.


I hope everyone has a good weekend.


« Reply #69 on: October 31, 2004, 05:47:21 am »

 :DOctober 30th, 8:50pm DLST

It has been 29 days since I last written in this post.
Wow so much has happened in the last 29 days that I am not sure where to start.

Between Alpha, Sunday School, and the Community Health Program. Between swimming, bowling, gym and walking. Between doctors appointments and counselling appointment.
The month just flew right by.

I wanted to share with you a exciting two days I had this past week.
I had the priviledge of going on a two day seminar in Kingston . Spending two nights at the Holiday Inn over looking Lake Ontario. Over looking Fort Henry.
It is a beautifully old city of Canada. It was our first capital city. One of the workshops was in the City Hall, the place where our Parliament Building was supposed to be. It was a beautiful building. The up stair was the place where the original women medical school was located.

The workshops was on the changing attitudes of mental illness. One of the speakers, If you ever get to hear her, jump at the chance. Amy Long.
She is a consumer survivor. ( name for those who suffer from mental illnesses, been through the system),
she is a dramatic speaker, who uses her past experience  to make changes. She is also a Psychristic Nurse.  I spend 3 hours listening to her on Thursday Morning in that beautiful council chambers, on the topic of Patient hood to personhood.

Once I get my notes together I will be sharing on the Depression Post on the changes that were being suggested. I believe Canada is only starting to get on the pathway of change in the treatment of mental illnesses.  There is still a long way to go even in the acceptance that mental illnesses is just an illnesses, just like cancer, diabetitis, heart disease.
Other workshops , although geared to the professionals, but there were many consumers (including myself) , but I kept writing down notes.
Many ideas were changes I would like to see .

The priviledge of being sent, with only spending money to worry about was a precious gift.
A gift of a vacation, which I havent  had in about 9 years, to be able to go away for a couple of days.
It was a gift to be able to be bold enough to share ideas with professional, and be respected enough to be listened to.

I can contain all the words I want to relay on to one posting page. So you will be hearding more about this in the coming days as I absorb what I learned.

When I was asked by one of the workers that was also participating in the workshop whether I would like to go on another one. I said When and Where, only I would need a drive.

Talk more about this later.

Mark C.

« Reply #70 on: October 31, 2004, 06:45:18 am »

Thanks Lenore! Smiley

  Your description of the place where you had your "vacation and meeting" sounds incredibly beautiful!

  It also sounds like the instruction you received was wonderful as well!

  I will be looking forward to what you have to share about what you are learning.

                                       God bless,  Mark C.
al Hartman

« Reply #71 on: November 01, 2004, 10:22:52 am »

    One afternoon a man came home from work to find total mayhem in his house.
    His three children were outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all around the front yard.
    The door of his wife's car was open, as was the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog.
    Proceeding into the entry, he found an even bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall. In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a cartoon channel, and the family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing.
    In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled on the counter, the fridge door was open wide, dog food was spilled on the floor, a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door.
    He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys and more piles of clothes, looking for his wife.
    He was worried she may be ill, or that something serious had happened.
    The sink left a small trickle as he peered inside; he found wet towels, scummy soap and more toys strewn over the floor.
    Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap and toothpaste had been smeared over the mirror and walls.
    As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still curled up in the bed in her pajamas, reading a novel. She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went. He looked at her bewildered and asked, "What happened here today?"
    She again smiled and answered, "You know every day when you come home from work and you ask me what in the world did I do today?"
    "Yes" was his incredulous reply.
    She answered, "Well, today I didn't do it."


« Reply #72 on: November 07, 2004, 02:42:22 am »

Here's a Spiritual Gifts test link some may find interesting, alot like one that was around a few years ago.  Summer.  P.S. hint please be Honest with yourselves when you take it, your results will be much better. This is only a test not God's grading.
« Reply #73 on: November 20, 2004, 09:51:30 am »

 Cheesy It is November 19th, at 11:54 pm .
Arnprior this past week has been in the beautiful weather like spring. Even the evenings has been mild and with just a sweater on your arms.

It has been 20 days since I informed you on the happenings of life here in Arnprior.

I may have to go backwards , because it becoming a blur.
This past week.
On Monday it was swimming and then going out to the local Tim's for a coffee.
Then I helped with the shopping for our Community Mental Health Clinic, adventure to make Tortierre"Meat Pies".
Monday was also Alpha Night, going throught the Beautifulattitudes, which I made homemade cookies from a cake mix.
On Tuesday was Bowling and then going down to the Center for lunch and then prepared 18 lbs of lard into 85 balls of dough for pies.
On Tuesday Night was our churches Ladies Bible Study Group, with a demonstration on Cake Decoration, including making a Christmas tree out of sugar cookies.
On Wednesday was up to the mall, to have breakfast with the folks. Then it was down to the center, to help mix up 48 lbs of beef, 9 lbs of pork, 22 lbs of moose meat, 9 lbs of deer meat. plus all the onions, garlic and all the other spices that were required. All had to be hand"I mean hand" mixed up.
On Wednesday Night was our cell bible study group, at one of our church members home, which we are studying Biblical ways of Spiritual Emotions.
On Thursday it was back down at 8:30 am to the Center to roll out the dough into pies.
By 4:45 pm, a group of about 6 people made about 110 meat pies. We had one for lunch, they were delicious.
There were pies every where you looked.
The baking crew each got one free, and able to purchase others for about $4.00 each. Others were on sale for $6 each. While about 20 are being frozen for our Christmas dinner in Renfrew, when we get together with Renfrew and Pembroke Group.
On Thursday Evening, I also had to go out to my Mood Disorder Group, as it is being temporarily meeting in my church basement. I made sandwiches and cookies for our meeting, then a quick shower because I was blastered with flour dust, Then go over to the church and set up for the meeting.
I came home and was in bed by 12 midnight, and I slept until noon, when Sara woke me to show me her 83% average report care, and her honour roll silver certificate.
Today I went back to bed at 1 pm and slept until 7 pm.
Sunday November 14th was Sunday School, and SIgning as usual.
Saturday November 13th, in the afternoon went to my AUnt Hazel 90 birthday party, she is looking great. This is the aunt that a deaf mute, but is not way handicapped.
Well I think I am at my limit.
So talk to you later.
« Reply #74 on: November 21, 2004, 09:58:36 am »

O.K This is my first post to "daily chatting" and it just seemed the best place for what is on my mind:


Has anybody see the new Orion?
Be still my beating heart!
It is a hard call between the fretted and the fretless.
The problem is that the fretless (my preference) is not as amenable to the hard-core Larry Graham funkadelic string snaps every self-respecting bassist has at his occasional disposal.  Grin  Grin  Grin

It is hard to justify dropping 3.5 Kilobucks on this when I gotta send two kids to college!
Anyone thinks my wife will take a hint regarding my possible Christmas present?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2004, 10:00:45 am by vernecarty » Logged
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