But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter Genesis 19:4:
There is something profoundly sad about a society that defiles and perverts even the young.
What a picture that must have been outside Lot's door with men of all ages clamoring for the rape of his guests!
I note with great interest, the determination of the radical homosexual activists to bring this fight to the very hearts and minds of even our children by flooding schools with their propaganda. People like to criticize men like James Dobson for his stance on these issues. I think he understands what is really at stake.
God help us...!
That is the second recorded example of homosexual sin, in the Bible.
Of course we are told to hate the sin, love the sinner.
Yet I believe in our todays society of tolerance and acceptance, and political correct language and attitude, we come to accept other 'sins' of the Bible as norm. Homosexuals are just the demanding equal time. If we didnt tolerate 'sins' of society today, as normal behaviour, would the 'sin' of homosexuality be so prevailent.
I dont know. Homosexual 'sin' in Noah's days, in Lot's day, and even in Paul's days.
God punished in Noah's day, in Sodom and Gomorrah, as we see in Romans 1:18 to 32
Romans 1: 27:NKJV
Likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
Vs: 28: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge , God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting.
Romans continue to list Vs 29 to 31 the things that people where being filled in.
Back in Sodom, Lot brought those angels into his house for protection, and even offered his daughters, to the masses, to satisfy the lustfulness of the men outside, the girls were rejected, and the demand heighten in lust for the angels.
You are right, in this age and time, every fiber of society is being flooded to accept the gay lifestyle, tolerate, that even school age children are being read books about family consisting of same sex partner.
This country of Canada is in the midst of passing a bill on same sex marriage, which will strike down the bill, that marriage constitutes between a man and a woman.
Television shows showing this lifestyle as normal. With politicians being elected into office, the power to change laws, it is only going to get worse.
There is all kinds of 'ALTERNATIVE" lifestyles, such as vampires, witch covenants, child porn, it is all coming to a head, all want equal rights to do what they wants to do.
It is a lesson for us, that by demanding our own rights, because every one rights, is what is right in their own eye, are we contributing to the downslide of society. Because everyone wants equal rights, and laws in the Human Rights Constitutions, grants those rights.
Check out Romans 1 : 18 to 32
Especially VS: 27 to 32