-abortion: outlawed, penalty death:
Who is going to die? The one who is performing the abortion, or the one who is receiving the abortion. Does this includes anyone who has had an abortion ever?
The performer of the abortion is to be executed for murder, from the proclamation date of the law on.
-welfare: eliminated:
Are you going to guarantee people jobs to support themselves and their families?
No, no guarantees. People who were formerly on welfare will have to go out and look for jobs and work for a living, just like the rest of us who formerly supported them. Hunger is a good motivator.
-equal opportunity: eliminated:
Are you going to eliminate discrimination, so their will not be an need for equal opportunity.
Getting rid of equal opportunity will get rid of discrimination, at least the idiotic variety. In the highering process, employers will discriminate based on merit, ability and character, and not higher someone for fear of being sued because they didn't higher someone of a certain ethnicity.
-planned parenthood: eliminated:
Are you also going to eliminate birth control, teenage pregnancies; and are you going to assure that their ample help for large families, medically, financially, and home help to assist. etc.
A correction: that should be Planned Parenthood with the capital p's because I was referring to the government organization. People have planned parenthood on their own without government intervention for millennia. A government program isn't necessary, just individual self-control and societal shame for immorality.
Planned Parenthood encourages people to do it in the streets anywhere, any time with anything that moves. Their spiel and the liberal garbage taught in public schools create the problem and then they perpetuate it.
What did people do 50-100 years ago before PP in America? The husband went out and got a job and supported his family.
Furthermore, you probably didn't know this, but churches and other non-government organizations privately fund crisis pregnancy centers because they want a better alternative to the godless Planned Parenthood. People are willing to shell out money from their own pockets to help people even after being taxed by the government to pay for a service which is supposed to already be provided for. Well, why not get rid of the dysfunctional, even harmful government service? I will.
-public schools K-12: eliminated:
What is K-12: Is this a dog patrolling the schools to eliminate drugs, and weapons on the school property: Are you going to also eliminate drug dealers, arms sales. Are you going to put to death the dogs.
K-12 = Kindergarten through 12th grade. No, no death to dogs.
-illegal immigrants: immediately deported:
How are you going to determine that they are not refugee in need of sanctuary? Are you going to guarantee their safety upon returning to their homeland.
We have borders, and we have regulations for entering our nation and becoming citizens. They may apply, and if they are willing to become one of us, swearing allegiance only to our nation, then yes they may stay.
-public services in multiple languages: eliminated - English only:
Are you going to guarantee that there will be sufficient financial means, for extra teachers, books , and classrooms to teach everyone in your kingdom English.
Are you going to eliminate anyone who doesn’t speak English.
No, it is not the responsibility of the government to teach everyone the language of our own country. If a person wants to be a citizen of this country, he must learn the language. I would think he would WANT to learn the language. If he refuses to learn the language of Americans, then he isn't worthy of being an American.
No, I will not eliminate them, but they will be shown the door.
You mentioned the refugee coming to America for sanctuary. If his country was so great that he’d rather speak its language than ours, why is he coming to our country for sanctuary?
-health care: deregulated, no government interference whatsoever:
Are you going to ensure that the subjects in your kingdom have access to health care, even if they cant afford it.
Are you going to eliminate diseases, illnesses, injuries, death in your kingdom. Foolish me, your are going to impose the death penalty.
No, it's not the job of the government to make sure everyone is nice and comfy and has all their needs met. The purpose of government is to ensure law and order and provide for defense against our enemies.
-any court of law that tries to legislate instead of interpret the law gets the boot:
Are you going to guarantee that the people in charge of judging the laws of the land, will not be subject to bribes, educated to the letter of the law, not of their own interpretation. And their judgment is unbais.
(This idea of yours sounds too much like the Pharisees)
Yes, I will see to it that any judge on the take gets severely punished. As far as their interpretation is concerned, I will see to it that the men who become judges are good and honest men.
-any nationwide news service that instead of printing facts prints opinion and advocacy for a cause anywhere other than the editorial page gets fined 25% of their yearly income each week until they cease and desist.:
They can say whatever they want in the editorial page. But if in their regular reporting columns they blatantly skew the facts and print lies to fit a particular agenda, they will be fined.
-I'd tell the U.N. that we are a sovereign nation and not under their control whatsoever. We may cooperate with them if in our best interest.
So you are going to be a country unto yourself!
Yep, exactly!
4. People would be free in America, only the wicked need fear.
You know something, the rules of King Arthur's kingdom, sound like it not just the wicked needs to fear.
It sounds like a dictatorship, and everyone needs to fear, not just the wicked. Because it sounds like there is no freedom.
As I said, this would not be a democracy. BTW, America's form of government is not a democracy but a republic (we elect representatives). I suppose in reality, it's an oligarchy in that no one is elected unless they have lots of money and power already.
There will be plenty of freedom in my country. Freedom to live a good life in peace. Freedom from the disease of liberalism, which, as I can see from your writings, has infected your mind. Freedom from the knowledge that some pervert homosexual is in Congress making laws for you. Freedom from having to breathe the same air as those who murder millions of innocents each year. Freedom to say what you want without liberal idiots attacking you and saying you can't say that because it's discriminating and infringes on freedom. In my country liberal idiots can speak their mind all they want but no one would listen to them because we all know it's garbage anyways, yet as it is now they are in places of power. Not so when I am king.