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Author Topic: Kerry victory?-----NAW!!!!  (Read 36020 times)
« on: November 02, 2004, 11:12:52 am »

I was just thinking how terrible it would be if Kerry got elected.

I concluded that life will probably go on in much the same manner as it does now, and that I will be increasingly upset by what my government does, even as I am now.

Here is something for anyone who is interested to try.

The following quiz contains word for word portions of the major political parties' platforms.  Take the quiz and see which party you "really" belong to.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2004, 09:05:08 pm by Brent A. Trockman » Logged
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2004, 03:46:55 pm »

If kerry wins, I'll go on unemployment 6 months per year, and receive the money that the new administration will dish out. Get that plasma screen tv and drink beer, courtesy of uncle sam.  No tax, just relax.  If Bush wins, I'll build 4 spec homes next year and put a bunch of people to work.  Choices...choices.
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2004, 09:21:13 pm »

If kerry wins, I'll go on unemployment 6 months per year, and receive the money that the new administration will dish out. Get that plasma screen tv and drink beer, courtesy of uncle sam.  No tax, just relax.  If Bush wins, I'll build 4 spec homes next year and put a bunch of people to work.  Choices...choices.

Actually, your choices make plenty of sense except for one thing.

If Bush wins, you'll build your spec homes, employ people.....and then the Kerry supporters will sponge the taxes you all pay and sit at home drinking beer in front of the plasma screen.

al Hartman

« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2004, 08:09:31 am »

November 02, 2004
Early Numbers Show Nearly 100 Percent Exit Polls
(2004-11-02) -- Early numbers from across the nation indicate that Americans are leaving voting precincts in huge numbers.

"While the mainstream media is abuzz with stories of huge voter turnout," said an unnamed pollster, "that's only half of the story. We're finding that as many people are going away from the polls as are coming toward them."

According to the source, preliminary results show more than 99 percent of voters exit polls.

A spokesman for the Kerry-Edwards campaign said the early figures bode well for the Democrat ticket.

"Sen. Kerry is a man with a plan and an exit strategy," the source said, "and his supporters are following his example today. Voters are moving in a new direction."

by Scott Ott

« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2004, 09:42:34 am »

Check out this map.

It wouldn't have looked much different if Kerry had won.

When I see this, I can't help but wonder why Libs are so into public transportation and "affordable" housing?  Could it be that they want everyone in the same place so they are easily managed?

Recovering Saint

« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2004, 04:02:29 pm »

Thank God that Bush won. And thank God Kerry was gracious about it. I give Kerry credit for that.


« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2004, 06:55:26 pm »

If I was a black single mom working at Wal-mart and Wendys to try and make a living with my kid at substandard schools, I would be concerned about affordable housing.  I don't think that liberal concerns are without merit.  Often the disagreement is on what the best solution is.
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2004, 09:04:35 pm »

If I was a black single mom working at Wal-mart and Wendys to try and make a living with my kid at substandard schools, I would be concerned about affordable housing.  I don't think that liberal concerns are without merit.  Often the disagreement is on what the best solution is.

Yes, I agree.

Isn't it interesting that we have been socially engineering the "poor" community for several decades and a significant segment of it has become a permanent underclass?

During my childhood years, receptionists and secretaries could afford to by houses, and many families lived off one income.  That was before the government defined affordable housing and all the term meant was a smaller, less expensive house.

I was a single guy, working at an tire-store at one time, making minimum wage.  Then, I had to go door to door asking people if they wanted me to paint their address numbers on the curb.  I even did telemarketing while mired in over 80K of educational loans.

I had no help from the government and am debt free today?  How can this be?  I'm not bragging, or trying to convince anyone how hard I worked, etc.  It's just factual, and my story is no different than thousands, if not millions, of others.

Yes, the liberal concerns are valid.  However, their solutions seem to exacerbate the problem, rather than solve it.

I'm trying to identify a single Great Society, liberal program that has worked.....can someone help me out?  The liberals themselves tell us how many americans are hungry and homeless today, and the numbers keep growing...supposedly.

I do look forward with anticipation to Bush using his mandate to implement a true conservative agenda.  Apparently, he owes his victory to a record turnout of Christian Evangelical voters.  


Joe Sperling

« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2004, 09:42:41 pm »

I definitely intend to get a job one day. I have been slowly saving up money from the Welfare check I get each month and intend to buy a Lincoln Navigator to use to go job hunting. Well, I've got to go now--I want to go check the TV guide to see who's on Oprah today.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2004, 09:43:33 pm by Joe Sperling » Logged
al Hartman

« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2004, 12:46:00 am »

Yes, the liberal concerns are valid.  However, their solutions seem to exacerbate the problem, rather than solve it.

     That's it in a nutshell:  Generally, there's nothing wrong with the liberals' concerns.  The problems are with their statistics and their "solutions."

« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2004, 01:00:54 am »

Yes, the liberal concerns are valid.  However, their solutions seem to exacerbate the problem, rather than solve it.

     That's it in a nutshell:  Generally, there's nothing wrong with the liberals' concerns.  The problems are with their statistics and their "solutions."


What decent person doesn't want to help the poor, feed children, teach kids to read, etc.  How many times have you watched a World Vision film, or something like that, and not wanted to take one of the kids home?

However, the debate has been abandoned on this issue.  People now equate compassion with government.  If a government program is cut, whoever cut it is heartless.

Nothing could be further from the truth, and I find it sad that people on both sides have wholely adopted the mindset that we need to government to take care of us.

They think, "Without government, nothing good will happen."

Wrong, wrong, wrong.  

I hope the republicans cut just one program, even a little bit.  If they actually eliminated a single program, agency, or pork subsidy, I'd be willing to carry a sign.

Sadly, it has never been done.


« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2004, 01:45:31 am »

Brent, I may be way off on this, but I think alot of times the church is alot of talk and no action. You probibly hav'ent been in need of government help at anytime in your life save for maybe a student loan. The church is'nt a bank, or a hospital. They can do a little to help in some areas but I dont see where they could step in and provide beds for invalids etc., does'nt seem possible. Yes they volunteer in areas, but its band-aid work on a bleeding artery. Also because you've been so blessed your able to help patients on a regular basis which is admirable. I'll give an example of recent request I made at the church I hav'ent been attending regularly I'd like your opinion on the counsel I recieved. I just asked for prayer regarding a car situation I have, trying to maintain 3 cars is getting costly and asking for prayer about selling one that I had saved for my son who just got his license 2 weeks ago. We discussed a few other things and said a quick prayer at the end of the conversation. He (the Pastor) said he'd prayer with me and asked me to write out where I was'nt in alignment with God's will for me. I really did'nt agree with this counsel. What do you think? Summer
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2004, 02:48:58 am »

Brent, I may be way off on this, but I think alot of times the church is alot of talk and no action. You probibly hav'ent been in need of government help at anytime in your life save for maybe a student loan. The church is'nt a bank, or a hospital. They can do a little to help in some areas but I dont see where they could step in and provide beds for invalids etc., does'nt seem possible. Yes they volunteer in areas, but its band-aid work on a bleeding artery. Also because you've been so blessed your able to help patients on a regular basis which is admirable. I'll give an example of recent request I made at the church I hav'ent been attending regularly I'd like your opinion on the counsel I recieved. I just asked for prayer regarding a car situation I have, trying to maintain 3 cars is getting costly and asking for prayer about selling one that I had saved for my son who just got his license 2 weeks ago. We discussed a few other things and said a quick prayer at the end of the conversation. He (the Pastor) said he'd prayer with me and asked me to write out where I was'nt in alignment with God's will for me. I really did'nt agree with this counsel. What do you think? Summer

How well do you know the pastor?  Or I mean to say how well does he know you?

Personally, I would get to know a person before I asked them to write down what part of their life wasn't in alignment with God's counsel.  

Are you a notorious sinner in this church?  Have your kids been arrested or anything?

Maybe you should sell the car and give the pastor the money? Wink

Sounds like not very helpful counsel to me.


« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2004, 02:59:45 am »

Thanks Brent for responding. I thought it was strange council, and I hav'nt done it nor do I plan to. My daughter is Pres of christian club and does alot with the worship team there. Also my son is very involved in youth group. No arrests ever PTL. I think its a case if you have a finiancial need you must be out of Gods plan philosophy, plus being a single mom does'nt help. I've been going the past 2 years and up to this request have really liked the preacher. I told him I had'nt been recently as I was taking a break from church activities, so I think he was driving at that.  summer  p.s. to clarify what he said was, 'What I know of the word and where I'm not in Alignment with the word. (new concept to me as I thought that had to do with chiropractic and tires..
al Hartman

« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2004, 06:03:57 am »


     Girl, don't you know who Brent is?  You're just begging for a sermon on spiritual subluxation! Grin

     Seriously, I agree with the good doctor, that the pastor's counsel sounds a little fishy.  It's impossible to know, being this far from the stuation, but I think you made the right decision in not going along with it.

     There is a disease at large in the church today that makes financial difficulties symptomatic of spiritual problems.  The idea is not valid.  Personal finances may be the Lord's way of trying our faith, to show us His faithfulness and strengthen our faith.  Often the most bereft individuals are the most generous (think of the widow's mite), while the "fatcats" are prospering at the expense of others.  When the Lord said "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples," He didn't mention prosperity.

Praying with you,

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