My wife who is a Monty Python fan convinced me to watch "Life of Brian" LOL (I am sure some of you have seen it!) One of the themes has Brian joining the "Peoples front of Judea" A group of rebels who are bent against the Roman government. While Brian is being introduced to the group he is made aware that the "Peoples Front of Judea" really hates other groups! such as the "Judeans Peoples Front" and others so on and on...After reading the thread about Gene Edwards book I had to laugh!! Yes this is what it means to be a fundamentalist! You turn on your own and chew them up until you find someone else to bite. DUDES! There is so much more to life!!! Go hiking! Read good literature! Go down the art museum or better yet do your own art!!! Why waste your time doing the sme thing over and over and over and over and over......
Just a few words. Your spelling sucks, and your thoughts are poorly constructed and hypocritical in nature.
You bravely served George for all those years, as did all of us. It messed you up worse than most of us, and instead of being humble about it, you show up every few months and act like a troll.
Let me illustrate the lack of intellectual honesty by altering your post a smidgen.
I'll substitute "Unitarian" for "Fundamentalist," and you can see the error of your ways. I'll also substitute "Unitarian author who likes to bash fundamentalists" for "Gene Edwards book." Unitarians accept others, right?
After reading the thread about the Unitarian Author who likes to bash fundamentalists, I had to laugh!! Yes this is what it means to be a Unitarian! You turn on Christians and chew them up until you find someone else to bite. DUDES! There is so much more to life!!! Go hiking! Read good literature! Go down the art museum or better yet do your own art!!! Why waste your time doing the sme thing over and over and over and over and over......See, your confusion that you aquired bravely serving George all those years has clouded your ability to perceive yourself as you really are. YOU are the one doing what you accuse fundamentalists of doing, whether they are guilty or not.
Christians are supposed to take abuse from everyone for being "fundamentalists," and "judgemental," but if they dare speak an honest, intropective word against one of their own, a block-head like yourself comes along with a statement like the one you shared.
Why aren't you happy when Christians point out the problems within their own house? Isn't that what you do when you criticise us?
The fact is, your weak character was more easily damaged by a man like George, so I don't hold this against you, rather I pity you. It's not all your fault, but you should really think about moving on and getting on with your life.
I'm sorry that you had to join another fringe group to cobble an identity for yourself in your post-assembly life. Hopefully, you'll be able to be your own person someday, and not rely on group identity.
I also think it's neat that you had the courage to physically threaten George when he was an old man. Kudos, dude.
Where was this McCourage when George was younger?
So, now, adding to the bravery required to threaten an old man, you have found the courage to write hypocrital criticisms about your former friends that were inspired by a late 70's era movie. This is progress David. Way to go.
Regarding that movie, you're almost three decades late to the party. I've seen 'em all, and that many years ago.
So, to sum it up, your post is a scathing indictment of yourself, as you are guilty of everything you assign to the "fundamentalists."
Did I mention that it is annoying to converse with someone who relys on feeble stereotypical attacks and weakly constructed, hypocritical arguments? Well, it is, which is why I won't read or respond to most everything you write.
The only reason I did on this one is that you suckered me in with the Monty Python title. I like Monty Python's stuff alot.
Speaking purely for myself, I am amazed and horrified at the shipwreck you have sustained over the past three years. It is a potent reminder to me of how a person like George preys on the weak, even to the point of stumbling them.
I hope your future is bright, David. But I don't think "Fundamentalist" bashing is a good thing. Then again, Unitarians are always turning on others and chewing them up. In my experience they are nothing more than a haven for gays, sierra-clubbers, misunderstood geniuses, soy latte-swilling vegans, and others of like mind.
In fact, there is a scene in Monty Python's "Holy Grail," where a couple unitarians are aproached by King Arthur. It's hilarious, because the Python people have these guys pegged! They are the most tedious, pseudo-intellectuals, with a knee-jerk reflex to prate about whatever is the social/religious mainstream.
It just occured to me, after reciting the words to this part of the movie from memory, that the character, "Dennis," is just like you David.
Rent the movie and check it out.