I was just thinking as I was taking a walk during my lunch time about my years in the assembly. I can remember talking with one sister as all the stuff was beginning to come down, and her words to me at the time were, "how are you looking at your commitment(that is, to the assembly, though ostensibly it was the Lord)?"
As I think about it, I never recall signing anything like a contract to be in the assembly, nor was anyone around me adamant that I stay there, but it was taken for granted that I (and I think I can say "we) would stay for life.
It was very easy to be "committed to fellowship", which to me (and probably to most of us; certainly this was blatantly announced a number of times by GG) meant that we should be at everything (meetings, outreaches, fellowships, etc.), and yet be very unclear about our commitment to the Lord in the middle of all that. It came to the point where the assembly = the Lord. For this reason I am not anywhere close to being as involved with my current house of worship as I was with the assembly. Some would say that I'm lazy or not spiritual;
I just do not want to get lost in some organization and think that I'm serving God (though my attitude may be right) when it's simply group mind-meld.
I just don't want to get commitment TO THE LORD mixed up with commitment TO A GROUP OF CHRISTIANS, though they will intersect at various points.
Perhaps I'm a little late to the party, but I wonder if any others of you struggle with issues such as this.
Matt Sciaini
Hi Matt,
You're not too late, the party is still going on. I know that MANY ex-assembly people struggle with this. To a point where a pastor friend of mine had to tell a group of them to not volunteer to serve, but to let themselves be served.
It was very difficult for some of them, others were actually offended.
Sooner or later, people begin to think along the lines you mention. Let me warn you that as you process all of this stuff, you may have to deal with a wide range of emotinal issues as a result. It's normal, but find a solid Christian to talk to if it gets really hard.