Isaiah 53 in Russian: 52:13-15; 53:1-12 (translated from Russian, with hope of no serious goofs)
Behold, My slave
will have good success, will be raised and will be lifted up, and will be exalted.
As many were astonished
looking on You, -- so greatly was disfigured
more than any man His countenance, and His appearance -- more than human sons!
so, many peoples will He bring to astonishment;
kings will shut before Him their mouth,
for they will see that, about which was not spoken to them,
and (they) will know that, of which they had not heard.
Who has believed (the thing) heard from us, and to whom has (the) Lord's muscle been revealed?
For He went up before Him, as (a) shoot and as (a) sprout out of dry ground;
there was in Him neither appearance, nor grandeur;
and we saw Him, and (there) was not in Him appearance, which might attract us to Him.
He was disdained and belittled in front of people,
(a) man of griefs and having experienced illnesses, and we turned away from Him our face;
He was being disdained, and we counted Him for nothing.
But He took onto Himself our debilities, and bore our illnesses;
yet we thought,
that He was (being) stricken, punished and (had been) humiliated by God.
But He was ulcerated for our sins and (was being) tormented for our lawlessnesses;
the punishment of our peace
was on Him, and by His wounds we have been healed.
All we were wandering as sheep, we had been seduced each onto his own road;
and (the) Lord has laid on Him (the) sins of us all.
He was tortured, but suffered voluntarily, and opened not His mouth;
as (a) sheep, He was led to slaughter, and,
as (a) lamb before (the one) shearing him mute, so He opened not His mouth.
From bonds and judgement He was taken; but His origin who can elucidate?
for He (was) wrenched from (the) land of (the) living;
for (the) transgression of My people (He) endured execution.
To Him (they) designated (His) grave with (the) evildoers,
but He (was) buried (in a grave) belonging to (a) rich (man),
because He had not committed (a) sin, and (there) was not (a) lie in His mouth.
But to (the) Lord pleasing it was to smite Him, and He delivered Him to torment;
when His soul shall present (a) sacrifice of propitiation, He will see (an) everlasting posterity,
and (the) Lord's will with good success shall be fulfilled by His hand.
On (the) accomplishment of His soul He will look with satisfaction;
through His knowledge He, (the) Righteous One, My Slave, will justify many,
and their sins on Himself (He) will bear.
Therefore I will give Him (a) portion among the great,
and with the strong (He) will divide the booty,
for this, that He delivered His soul unto death, and was numbered with (the) evildoers,
then how He bore on Himself (the) sin of many and for (the) transgressors became intercessor.