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Author Topic: Trouble Brewing at Focus on the Family  (Read 27028 times)

« on: April 19, 2005, 06:34:58 pm »

You may want to pray for our friends at Focus on the Family that they may have Solomon-like wisdom in a confrontation that is obviously arising in order to discredit their ministry.


Homosexual Activists Planning To Converge On Focus On The Family

By Jeremy Reynalds (04/18/05)

A large delegation of homosexuals and others sympathetic to the so-called gay lifestyle are planning to converge on Focus on the Family's Colorado Springs headquarters.

A news release from Soulforce ( commented about the demonstration planned for May 2. "On that day James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, will have to make a moral decision. Will he receive a Soulforce delegation of gay and lesbian people of faith and families, friends, and clergy into his massive world headquarters? Or will he lock them out?"

According to the news release, the volunteers are " trained in relentless nonviolent resistance," and they plan to deliver to Focus "thousands of letters that illustrate the tragic consequences of the anti-gay rhetoric of Dobson and other fundamentalist Christian leaders."

"If we are locked out of Focus on the Family," said Jeff Lutes, MS, LPC, a psychologist and family counselor from Austin, Texas, speaking in the news release, who is heading up the demonstration, "the nation will see clearly that the truth about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people is being locked out with us."

Speaking in the Soulforce news release, Mel White, the Executive Director of Soulforce, asked about Dobson.

"Does he welcome this delegation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people with supportive clergy and other people of faith?" said White. "Or does he lock us out and force us to risk nonviolent civil disobedience and arrest? We can't just go away and ignore the terrible consequences of Dobson's ignorance and bigotry."

"We are calling this a family intervention, as we are all really part of the same family," Jeff Lutes commented in the same news release. "As a member of the human family, James Dobson is our brother who has become a dangerous and misleading force to millions. We are coming to Colorado Springs to show him that his refusal to hear the truth about God's gay children leads to wasted lives and ruined families. We pray that this time, James Dobson will hear us."


A Focus on the Family spokesperson was traveling and unavailable for comment, but a staff person said the organization does appreciate everyone's prayers.

Focus has made its position on homosexuality very clear.

Writing on the Focus ( web site and answering a letter addressed to him, Dobson wrote, "Regardless of what the media may say, Focus on the Family has no interest in promoting hatred toward homosexuals or any other group of our fellow human beings. We have not supported, and will never support, legislation aimed at depriving them of their basic constitutional rights -- rights they share with every citizen."

Dobson added, "On the contrary, we want to reach out to gay and lesbian people whenever and wherever we can .... Beyond that, I have to acknowledge ... a very different understanding of Scripture. It is my firm conviction that sex outside of marriage (whether homosexual or heterosexual) is not permitted by those who call themselves ‘believers.'"

Dobson added in the same article, "Whereas we have never attempted to hurt or ridicule the individual homosexual or lesbian, I do find myself in sharp disagreement with the more radical elements of the movement. The effort to redefine the family, qualify for adoption, promote the homosexual lifestyle in the schools, etc., are objectives with which I disagree. And I will oppose them when the issues are raised. Does that make me a hatemonger? I think not."

According to organizers, just outside the entrance to Focus on the Family on May 1, there will be a press conference at 12:45pm, a family picnic, and a rally. During the rally, cards will be passed out on which people can write their letter to James Dobson to be delivered May 2.

According to the news release, organizers are hoping for more than 1,000 people of faith from Colorado and all across the country to join Soulforce in Colorado Springs.

The self-stated purpose of Soulforce is "freedom for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people from political and religious oppression."


Concerned Women for America ( dubbed White "A ‘Wolf' on the Loose in Lynchburg."

The article read in part, "Mel White and his male ‘lover' have moved to Lynchburg and taken up residence in a house across the street from Thomas Road Baptist Church. Mr. White is the co-founder of a group called Soulforce. One goal of White and his Soulforce friends is to convince Americans that homosexual acts, such as sodomy, are not condemned by God's Word. Mr. White has a vested interest in this novel approach to the Scriptures since he has admitted that he commits such acts."

White is no stranger to Biblical Christianity. He used to be a conservative evangelical. A promotional announcement for his book reads in part (,,0_0452273811,00.html), "Until Christmas Eve 1991, Mel White was regarded by the leaders of the religious right as one of their most talented and productive supporters. He penned the speeches of Ollie North. He was a ghostwriter for Jerry Falwell, worked with Jim Bakker, flew in Pat Robertson's private jet, walked sandy beaches with Billy Graham. What these men didn't know was that Mel White—evangelical minister, committed Christian, family man—was gay."

Jeremy Reynalds was born in England, emigrated to the United States in 1978 and married Sylvia in 1979. They have five boys. Jeremy gave his life to the Lord in 1976 and currently attends Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque. He became an American citizen in 1998 and voted in his first general election in 2000.
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2005, 08:59:47 pm »

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)  2 Cor10:3,4

Please take some time to pray with your families daily for God's covering particularly on Dr. James Dobson and the focus on the family ministry. This contest will be decided in the secret places...make no mistake about it folks...
« Last Edit: April 19, 2005, 09:01:29 pm by VerneCarty » Logged

« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2005, 06:01:52 pm »

Dobson ought to do what any Christian shoud do when unbelievers show up at their door. Invite them in. Have doughnuts and coffee ready. Play some nice music and chat. Let them say whatever is on their mind and respond in honesty and love. That is very unsettling. Dobson has been saying God hates the sin, but loves the sinner. This seems like a no-brainer opportunity.

For years and years there has been an Easter sunrise service on top of Mt. Soledad in La Jolla. The churches that do this are required to pull a permit and one year an athiest group got the permit first. The MSM made a big deal out of it saying there would be protest, etc. On Easter morning the same churches that were always there showed up with muffins and hot chocolate for everyone. An elderly gentleman who had played the trumpet at the sunrise service for 20 years brought his trumpet and said he'd play whatever was wanted. "Do you have any athiest songs?" He ended up starting off with "O What A Beautiful Morning." It was not what the athiest expected. They came for a fight and found a sort of fellowship of common humanity. And one thing it made clear without anyone intending it too was that athiests have nothing that unifys them except what they are against. Many athiest were ashamed of their brethren after that. Some athiests are now trying to get the cross taken down off of Mt. Soledad and some athiests who were there on that particular morning are fighting them.

« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2005, 07:30:23 pm »

Dobson ought to do what any Christian shoud do when unbelievers show up at their door. Invite them in. Have doughnuts and coffee ready. Play some nice music and chat. Let them say whatever is on their mind and respond in honesty and love. That is very unsettling. Dobson has been saying God hates the sin, but loves the sinner. This seems like a no-brainer opportunity.
Keep in mind that Dr. Dobson might just do that, so don't write him off yet.

« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2005, 09:25:33 pm »

My first thought when I read this was, my what a good chance to Love them. ( Perfect Love casts out Fear) Summer.
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2005, 09:36:46 pm »

My first thought when I read this was, my what a good chance to Love them. ( Perfect Love casts out Fear) Summer.

I am praying about this a bit differently folks. It is obvious that this is a well organized faction, intent on destroying this servant of God. These are not misguided, hapless folk in need of a little TLC.
There are purposeful, they are vicious, and they are angry.
Now I do not disagree that Dobson has to be careful not to engage these folk directly.
He is too important. He absolutely has to continue to be gracious, loving and kind.
I see nothing wrong with him even listening to what they have to say.
( I am a bit doubtful about the coffee and donuts... Smiley)


These people are not seeking  dialogue my friends, they have declared war...fervent prayer will make a difference, not coffee and donuts...may God give him and us wisdom...
« Last Edit: April 20, 2005, 09:53:53 pm by VerneCarty » Logged

« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2005, 09:53:54 pm »

Verne, I hear what your saying. Paul does say in I Cor 5 not to even eat with a so-called believer, who is living immorally. So do you suggest shunning them, and not even playing their game? I'm under no illusion that they should just turn it into a Love-fest, but that a Spirit of Christian Love could turn them to repentance, and whether it does or not, its obvious the Leader is there to Challange Dobson. Summer

« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2005, 10:32:31 pm »


I didn't mean to imply that Dr. Dobson wouldn't do that. He has always handled himself well in the past so I'm not too worried. Of course there was the SpongeBob thing, but we all have our knuckleheaded moments.

« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2005, 10:56:15 pm »


I didn't mean to imply that Dr. Dobson wouldn't do that. He has always handled himself well in the past so I'm not too worried. Of course there was the SpongeBob thing, but we all have our knuckleheaded moments.

Sorry, my misread.  He's a better man than I.  I don't handle confrontation well.

SpongeBob:  Dobson's explanation seems plausable to me - he was critisizing the gay-promoting adjenda of the assiociated "We are family" website, not Spongebob.  Afterwards, there was a "bait and switch" where the website owner's took the offensive items off the website and made it look that Dobson was critisizing the cartoon character.
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2005, 11:15:03 pm »

Verne, I hear what your saying. Paul does say in I Cor 5 not to even eat with a so-called believer, who is living immorally. So do you suggest shunning them, and not even playing their game? I'm under no illusion that they should just turn it into a Love-fest, but that a Spirit of Christian Love could turn them to repentance, and whether it does or not, its obvious the Leader is there to Challange Dobson. Summer

Summer you must be a mind-reader. Although I was not explicit, you got my message loud and clear.
This so-called coalition, has a number of folk representing themselves as being "people of faith".
Where have we seen this before folks?
Their strategy is clearly to enlist idiot professing Christians in a campaign to impugn the integrity of Dobson, as a believer!

The thrust of their argument is that a Christian profession and opposition to homosexuality are antagonistic points of view.
Sadly, many Christians have already conceded that ground.
Dobson must under no circumstance make that error - no matter what the cost!
The last bastion against sexual impurity in this country is Biblical teaching (except the NIV) and the standard  held by the Church of Jesus Christ. The assault on these two fronts is all-out.
They are attempting to assassinate the character of James Dobson exactly for the reason that he is such an influential voice in the arena. This is nothing more than a shameless and Satanically-inspired attempt to silence him.
Oh I know, there I go again using inflammatory language instead of showing love and tolerance right?
Do you folk understand that it is the intention of these people to destroy our children? DO YOU??!!!
« Last Edit: April 20, 2005, 11:37:32 pm by VerneCarty » Logged

« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2005, 12:01:34 am »

Right. Dobson will never agree with them, and Mel the Gay Leader knows this, he knows all the inner-workings of Christianity, and now "out of the closet" he can play on the this (turn the other cheek). Its another story if someone is struggeling with sin and sincerly repentant, but this guy has adopted this as his lifestyle and has no mind-set at changing his ways. He's going to prove a point to his gay church. And if you agree with them, they'll have no problem trying todate your children.  Summer.
night owl

« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2005, 12:59:26 am »

The last bastion against sexual impurity in this country is Biblical teaching (except the NIV) and the standard  held by the Church of Jesus Christ. The assault on these two fronts is all-out.

Hi Verne - just out of curiousity - (respectfully) what is meant by "except the NIV"?
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2005, 01:27:49 am »

Hi Verne - just out of curiousity - (respectfully) what is meant by "except the NIV"?

Take your NIV and carefully check every Biblical reference you can find to sexual conduct.
Compare what it actually says, in the NIV, with two or three other commonly used translations. It is my position that you can make the theological argument from the NIV, that there is no explicit Biblical prohibition of sex outside the marriage covenant, or the prohibition of homosexual acts.
If you want me to give some references I would be happy to give a few.

p.s. I don't mind telling you Nightowl, that there are some very good folk, some posting on this very BB, who do not agree with my viewpoint.   Smiley
« Last Edit: April 21, 2005, 01:38:10 am by VerneCarty » Logged
night owl

« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2005, 01:40:53 am »

Hmm!  Shocked Verrrrrrrry interesting . . .
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2005, 01:55:17 am »

Mel the Gay Leader knows this,.  Summer.
He does indeed. He is counting on the Christian community being cowed, intimidated, and unwilling to call him exactly what he is - a vile and godless apostate.
Dobson for obvious reasons cannot say this, but any Christian worth his salt can, and should say so and say it loudly.
I am praying specifically that God Himself would summarily deal with the likes of Mel White and his co-conspirators.
Jehovah is more than equal to the task...

p.s It does tell you a thing or two about the orgainizations that this man infiltrated and thus discredited.
When I look at the Church today in general, and individual Christians in particlualr, the thing that I find most astonishing is the absolute LACK OF DISCERNMENT.  It is indeed the essential missing gift...
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